20 November 2014

Jonas: 5 Months

Jonas got his first cold this month.  His little runny nose and cough have been so sad.  It looks like he doesn't like to sleep when he has a cold, and that is also so sad. 

Tiredness won out the other day when I was driving home and pulled up to a stop sign.  It was confusing though, because there was no intersection or cross road or anything??  The need to stop didn't make sense. 

Until I realized I had stopped at this:

The only thing to do is to slowly keep on driving like you meant to stop in the middle of the road.  No harm, no foul. You're going to have to stop soon, anyway. 

I've been weighing Jonas constantly to make sure he's gaining enough weight.  We only have an adult scale, so I weigh myself, then weigh both of us and subtract the difference to get his weight.  But then the scale broke.  Having the scale break on you is way more depressing than discovering you stopped at a not stop sign. 

P.S. I wear as many clothes as possible when doing this weigh thing so that I don't have to know my real weight.  Scarves, a bathrobe, boots; lots of stuff.  I suppose it's no wonder the scale broke?

I dropped dairy and gluten this month, just to be on the safe side and hope that what happened with baby Christian (poor weight gain and bad eczema starting around 5-6 months) won't happen with baby Jonas.  Jonas has a little red on his cheeks that showed up last week when the temperatures dropped so low, but it's hard to know if it's cold weather related or something else?  I'm just a wee bit paranoid. 

Honestly, I can't remember much about this past month beyond hoping Jonas will stay healthy.  It can consume your mind if you let it.

So I'll just think about his darling feet instead.

And about that face. 

I just want to pinch those cheeks!!!

I love him.

1 comment:

Erika said...

SUCH a cute boy!!! But sad that he's been sick! And I like your strategy on the scale there. Very smart.