And Daphne turned 10 months old while she was here. 10 months. What is up with that? Why does she keep growing? Do I really need to start planning her first birthday party? OK, I will, because I love party planning.
We went to Cathedral Park in St. Johns for the morning of her 10 month birthday. That is one beautiful place, you should all go there if you can. We loved it.
They had a purple fire hydrant! Why not visit a place that has a purple fire hydrant?
What does Daphne do as a 10 month old?
*Crawling/scooting all over
*Loves pulling herself to standing; feet issues do nothing to stop her
*Really likes to stare at fire (weird)
*Is so happy to be able to feed herself
*Fall is her favorite season, as shown by her great love of pumpkins
*Is NOT sleeping through the night (why, oh, why???)
*Does NOT say "mama," not for lack of being coached
*Wiggles herself into a frenzy when she sees her dad or the dogs
*Super great with sign language
*Says "yes, please" in the form of a grunt
*Is losing a bit of her stranger danger and has fun interacting with groups of people
*Just scooted across the floor at lightening speed in order to chew on the computer cord, because cords are a source of great joy for her.
Alrighty, then, maybe I should go get her some real food.
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