14 May 2011

Coffee, Sun, Motorcycles, Rain, New Clothes

Did you frequent the Starbucks Happy Hour this week? We may have gone almost everyday once or twice.

And I may have let Daphne try a little of my drink. I though she would take a tiny sip and move on, but noooo, she guzzled it. I'm pretty sure she stunted her growth by about 3 inches. Not so good for one who already struggles with height issues.

Yesterday afternoon Daph and I enjoyed our coffee outdoors while she got to wear her first summertime outfit of the year. This afternoon we didn't even leave our house while the rain flooded our street. Oh the joys of Spring.

Not too far from here the police have been having a huge motorcycle training so we stopped by yesterday to check it out. Daphne likes motorcycles because her daddy has one, but I wasn't sure if she would be very impressed and maybe we would only last a minute or two until she was bored.

Apparently she loves motorcycles a lot more than I thought she did and we stayed until the bitter end. (I make that sound so dramatic, so to be fair we got there about 45 minutes before the training was over for the night.)

It was actually a stressful trip for me because she kept trying to sneak under the fence so she could be on the course with all the policemen who looked like they were having tons of fun.

I would say, "Daph, I don't want you to be squished by a motorcycle!" and she would sing "squished by a motorcycle!" like she thought that might be an interesting experience. I don't think she quite understands the word 'squish.'

This afternoon I made use of the rainy day to get some cleaning done in the nursery so that we can move Daphne out of it one of these days. I went through the box of clothes that she's just starting to grow into and was delighted at all the things I had bought at the end of the season last summer for her to wear this summer. It was like a surprise shopping trip. Cotton shorts from Old Navy that I had gotten for $.47, rompers for $1.50, t-shirts for $1.97. So while Daphne will be adorably dressed this summer, no one is allowed to make fun of her for wearing last year's styles. She can't help it if her mama is cheap.


Gramma said...

Her mama learned her lessons well! Pay as little as possible.

Carissa Niemyer said...

Daphne is amazingly beautiful and your pregnant again!!! Congratulations you guys! Much Love!