20 August 2015

Just Another Day in Paradise

1.  Jonas was awfully quiet in the corner of the kitchen, and I found it was because he was playing with a spider.

2.  I've been canning on my own for about 10 years now, and today I broke a jar in the canner for the first time.

3.  One kid pilfered my jar lifter while I was pealing peaches; then the two big kids fought over it until it broke.

4.  I went down to the unfinished portion of our basement to grab our kid-sized Adirondack chairs.  I went to brush off a big leaf from the back of one chair, and discovered the leaf was actually a giant, man-eating frog about to jump at me and eat my face.

5.  When telling the story of the Big Frog over the phone to David, I heard Daphne mutter to herself in the other room, "Hmm...man-eating frogs..."  She's going to be pondering that idea for awhile, I can tell. 

6.  Today was a good day.  Even when it was bad, it was good.
canning: a baby's favorite past time

Christian claims to not like the red middle of peaches so just nibbles the outer yellow edges

"I will help mama work."

yay!  happy play time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You will always be my hero because of how much canning you manage to do with kids. I'm sitting here typing with one hand thinking....how. Just, how.