We went out to Hanger to get Daphne some new braces since she outgrew her first ones. She entertained herself with the paper on the table.
David took this picture while we were there that highlights the fact that Daphne looks absolutely nothing like me:
She had her first taste of avocado. She apparently loves it since she ate more than I ever seen her eat in one sitting. And green is totally her color. The picture where green mush was coming out of her nose was too blurry to post here, so I'm sorry that you're missing out on that darling sight.
Since Portland reconfigured their precincts, David was able to start working near our home. Now every so often he comes home for supper, plus it's easy for Daphne and I to go meet him at Starbucks. So to cap off our day, we fought evening traffic to go spend some time with him.
Daphne's been showing intense curiosity in the way big people drink, so I got her a sippy cup to start experimenting with. I'm not sure she really got anything, since it's one of those spill proof kinds where the baby actually has to suck the water out instead of it just pouring out straight down his/her throat, but she seemed to enjoy her new toy.
I don't think I mentioned that we moved Daphne to her crib this past weekend. My goal was for her to be sleeping through the night before we moved her so that I wouldn't have to go stumbling down the hallway in the wee hours in order to feed her. But she started rolling over in her tiny bassinet and getting stuck, so we moved to the big bed despite the fact that she refuses to sleep longer than 4 hours at a time. Now I lay her down in her crib where she promptly rolls over onto her tummy and goes to sleep. For 4 hour increments.
Between the sippy cups, avocados, and big beds, this is one baby who is too quickly moving from baby-hood to big girl status.
You are so funny. No, don't go buy a car. I think a combine should come first. If she can handle that, then move on to a tractor. Once those skills are down, then the car. :)
Wow, she is growing up fast! Did you cut your hair, by the way? It looks super cute :0)
She's getting so big! Sad that we didn't run into each other at St. V's!
Maybe she doesn't look like you because she isn't yours! Maybe you should have a dna test done to see if David was messing around with someone that looks just like him!
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