Yesterday she got up at 6:30. She took a 45 minute morning nap (should be at least 1 1/2 hours). She cried for an hour during her second nap until I just gave in and got her up (should have been 1 1/2 hour nap). We tried again an hour later and she slept for 1/2 an hour. It was 2:30 by this time, and I knew she wouldn't be able to stay awake until her 7PM bedtime. Well, let me rephrase that...she can stay awake, she's just crying her little baby head off for those 4 1/2 hours because she's so tired. Bedtime finally came and I put her down, where she cried for an hour before finally going to sleep. A bad day of sleeping yesterday meant a bad night of sleeping last night, meaning getting up at 5 this morning...needless to say, hopes are not high for a happy 4th.
I had given up on reading sleep solution books, mostly because they were frustrating me with all their contradictory information. But I keep hearing references to Marc Weissbluth's "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child," so I'm going to give it a read and see if there are any last tidbits of wisdom I can find on teaching my baby some healthy sleep habits. The library had a ridiculously long wait to check it out, so I spent a huge $5.50 and bought in on I'm desperate here, and have no patience on waiting on a huge line of slow readers before I can see what this book has to offer. My one consolation is that since so many people want to check this book out, I must not be the only person in the world who is struggling with a child who won't sleep.
So Daphne is not sleeping because she's so tired and she's so tired because she's not sleeping. It's a delightful circle we're stuck in. Today she has been laying on the floor looking very sleepy. And being very sleepy at Starbucks. And being very sleepy and not looking at the camera.
But it's nice that she has a cute 4th of July outfit. Two actually, so we'll have to rotate them all day long.
I'm sorry she is not sleeping. Have you tried the vacuum cleaner? With you, I'd just turn it on and leave it in the room with you. You would then sleep. Not that it would work with Daphne, but you might give it a try.
She doesn't want to sleep and miss something important. :)
I see you are using the BumGenius diapering system. What do you think of it?
Aw honey, I'm sorry she's not sleeping. That's always hard. Keep in mind that no matter what you do, no matter how consistent you are, there will always be times when the baby doesn't sleep well. I discovered that it usually meant they were growing or teething, or maybe even getting sick. Hang in there! Love you!
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