18 December 2009


The pictures of Daphne yesterday were taken while we were spending a long morning at Hanger (the folks who make Daphne's leg braces). A month or so ago she got some new braces with a platform underneath the feet so that she could stand with them. But for many reasons they were just not working for us so we went out there several times this past week to work something else out.

Doctor office tables are such fun when you're 11 and 3/4 months old.

Our waiting paid off, because look who has clearance for walking!

We love these things. Yes, they are not winners in the looks department, but it is so freeing for Daphne to be able to get up and cruise around! Today I held onto her hands as she walked across the living room floor, something she has never done before. I also got to buy her some socks, something I have never done before. I never knew it could be so exciting to buy socks.

Cheers for Daphne's first pair of platform heels! Don't worry, I'll help her out later to refine her tastes a bit.


Kelley said...

Yeah Daphne! Your mom was 13 months when she started walking on her own so you have plenty of time to get it figured out. You will be able to get places so much faster. Hugs and kisses.

Emily said...
