The doctor said she had quite a bit of fluid built up in her ears, so he ended up putting tubes in. Maybe now that she'll have perfect hearing she'll start saying "mama" instead of "wawa." =)
I knew this wouldn't be a fun surgery to recover from, but I think it's a little worse than I imagined. She's on oxygen from having a bit of trouble breathing. She has arm splints on to keep her from touching her face. I can tell she wants to eat but her throat is too sore from the oxygen tube and obviously the roof of her mouth hurts. Her pulse oximeter keeps going off because of high heart rate; she's pretty upset which is keeping her heart rate up.
We're going to need about 37 cups of coffee to make it through the night, I'm thinking. And I miss my cheerful little girl who was wiggling around the waiting room this morning.
Poor baby girl.
I want to come hold her. :(
Has she had ear infections? Or is she like Erin and I never knew when she had one? Poor baby doll.
Poor Mom and Dad.
Praying for a good night...and not needing 37 cups of coffee.
The fluid is just from the cleft; I guess it's really common and he told us earlier it was likely she would need tubes.
I laid her in her bed with the glow worm and she went to sleep!!
Oh that is so good you brought her worm, and that she went to sleep! Hopefully she will recover soon and won't remember this episode for too long. Poor Daph sounds like she is miserable!
Sleep after surgery is a good thing.........
I'm glad she went to sleep so easily. Now if she will just stay asleep and you won't need 37 cups of coffee!
I'm glad she hasn't had ear infections and no one knew.
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