26 November 2010

I Think We're Still Full

Yes, the turkey we cooked yesterday was monstrous. My family wants to see photos, but I didn't take the time to take any good ones as my wimpy arms had a hard time moving the turkey anymore than I had to. It was a quick out of the cooler, into the roasting pan, and into the oven. Much like competing in a triathlon, I imagine, except with turkey lifting.

But you can see how it looks like I was using a mini roasting pan, when I can assure you I was not.

Needless to say our leftover pile is quite large.

Our dinner was delish. Daphne's favorite part was the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie. She ate a huge amount; I was half expecting her to have doubled in size over night. (She has been a bottomless pit the past few days.)

Her turkey shirt was stunning and festive:

David had to work last night, but he went in an hour early hoping to get off an hour early. Unfortunately there was an incident with two drunk cousins and a heavy bat, so he actually had to work 3 hours of overtime. Some people really know how to celebrate Thanksgiving.

We did go shopping this morning, but not until we took David to Starbucks and filled Daphne up on turkey and potato leftovers. (I don't know why she won't just smile for the camera.)

We went to Target (where I saw a game of Memory that I think Daphne wants for Christmas...ahem), where it hardly seemed busy at all, and now Daph is napping and I am ready to wrap some Christmas presents. Did you know I'm almost done with my shopping? Because I am, and after today, I will almost be done with the wrapping, too.

1 comment:

Kim said...

How long did it take to cook that bad boy???