20 July 2011

Babies and Gardens

In case you were wondering, this baby of ours is due in about 6 weeks. So much to do, so little time.

At our last appointment (32 weeks) I was measuring 6 weeks behind, plus my blood test showed I am severely anemic. Laurel, our midwife, wanted us to get an ultrasound to check baby's growth just to make sure everything is OK. Today we got to see that the baby is actually measuring a week ahead and possibly already weighing almost 6lbs. What if we have a 10lb baby? I'm kind of nervous.

It is one of Daph's favorite activities to 'go to the doctor and hear the baby' as she puts it. She LOVES it. Talks about it all the time. She's pretty good at mimicking the swooshing heart beat sound when you ask her what the baby says. Isn't she going to be surprised when the baby comes home and sounds less like a quiet thumping and more like a screeching hyena? I'm afraid she'll be shocked.

And when Sherrie was doing the 3D ultrasound today, Daphne saw the screen and was convinced the baby is an elephant.

Regardless of weight (although I am hoping for no elephant baby) I gotta say, this baby better come out awfully lovable, because right now relations between s/he and I are a bit strained. Daphne is finally sleeping a little bit better, but my little womb resident still likes to keep me up sick at night. Poor David has found some random items in the fridge lately, and I wish I could blame Daphne except that I know she can't open the fridge door. Oh pregnancy; so beautiful. So mind-altering.

In other news, Daphne is loving picking and eating all the treats from our garden. It's so hard to have to say "that's enough broccoli for today, kid," but remember that broccoli is very fibrous and Daphne doesn't really care about using the toilet. Combine that with blueberries and peas...yes, it's nice.

Broccolis make great pom poms for a garden girl.


Anonymous said...

I adore these photos!

Nutty Mom said...

Love the pics! I can't wait for my broccoli to start producing! It's too hot for it right now, but I've forced it to at least grow a plant, then when it starts cooling off I'm hoping that BAM lots of broccoli ;-)

Miche said...

Love it! I'm so loving your pictures lately :)