04 September 2012

Projects and More Projects

The projects never end, do they?

I had one last good idea for our play house.  David has thought it would be fun to build the kids a sandbox, and while I agree that they would love it, thinking about the two of them sitting in sand every day and the mess that would leave makes me break out in hives.  I saw in Young House Love a few months ago where they made a pea gravel box, and once we had the play house built I knew having a pea gravel pit underneath would be a great plan.

Fortunately it was a project that only took about 15 minutes, and now Daphne and Christian are happily digging away while David works on our latest back yard venture, a new fire pit.  He is also going to put decking under the play house on the opposite end of the gravel box.  And something about a shelf/counter-type thing so that Daphne can play store and that also provides a place to keep their digging toys when they're not in use. 

Indeed, the projects never end.

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