24 June 2013

Instagram Wrap Up

Now that I'm using the tablet to take tons of pictures but don't want to be in Instagram-posting crazy person, I'll have to dump photos here instead. 

The kids and I went to Albany on Saturday leaving David with a quiet morning at home before he left for work.  I came home to the CUTEST EVER little garden box for my herbs.  I said to David, "We should leave you home alone more often!" and he said, "I'm very productive when you guys are gone but I would miss you. "

Well, isn't that nice. 

Still, I got an herb garden out of the deal.  Right now it has two basil plants and a stevia.  I'm super excited to see what I can do with a stevia plant.  And the most recent issue of Hobby Farm Home had an article with great tips on storing basil over the winter, so I would like another plant or two to keep me from having to buy basil ever again. 

I've been doing a lot of this in the past few days:

Lest you think I spent hours in a strawberry patch, I actually did not.  Last week we were up at our favorite grocery store where they had flats of day old strawberries from one of the local farms for dirt cheap.  I paid $14 for 30lbs.  Can you even believe it?  Then Grandpa hooked me up with a few more buckets on Saturday, so basically I am a lady of leisure this year with the strawberries. 

I just get shivers of happiness when filling the freezer and cupboards with fruit for the winter.  Shivers.  I get giddy thinking about blueberry season starting up.  And then peaches and pears!!!  Wahoo!!  (Simple minds, simple pleasures, that's what my dad always says.)

While working on strawberries my kids destroy the kitchen. 

I made this Tomato and Basil Frittata last week.  It was so, so, so good, but will mostly only be good if you like basil.  I left out the ham because we had sausage on the side, but the recipe is easy and fast and would be a good crowd pleaser.  For people who like basil, of course. 

Our church's VBS is this week.  It's the first event that I've taken Daphne to and dropped her off and left.  She's done BSF and Sunday School, but this is her first Big Girl/School-Like event.  I took lots of pictures this morning for her send off, and then her separation anxiety was at basically -10% when I dropped her off, so I'll have to share pictures later and her reactions to her week.  I have a feeling she's having the Best Time Ever and will never want to come home again. 


Erika said...

What on earth will you do with all those strawberries??! I've never done canning or jam-making, but it seems like it might be worth looking into! We're about to have tomatoes coming out our ears (already have basil out our ears) so I might have to make that frittata!

melissa said...

I freeze our berries and use them all winter in smoothies, or take out a handful and run them under warm water for a bit just for eating. I hardly have to buy any fruit over the winter months and it makes me feel so frugal!