27 October 2012


Man, it has been silent on the old blog lately, hasn't it?

Our calendar has been full to the max the past couple of weeks.  I like to walk by it with my eyes closed so that I can pretend I don't see all the things we need to be doing.  But I figure that will change, oh, never, so we may as well get used to it.

Yesterday we did keep the day free to celebrate a big birthday in our house.

Daphne and I started the day by making this apple fritter recipe for David's birthday breakfast.  It made us the heroes of the day.

Then Christian became the hero by taking the longest nap he has taken in months, which enabled us to make it through the rest of the day with a happy boy.

Our plan to go to Fort Vancouver died when we saw the rain, so instead we went to the Town Center and let the kids play and had a PSL from Panera.  It was Christian's first time getting to play there and he LOVED it.
such a big boy, running around with the big kids

We've decided in the past couple of months that going out to eat/going out to coffee is pretty much a very bad idea at this stage in our lives.  Daphne is great at it, but Christian is a bit of a mess.  But since it was David's birthday we hoped for a miracle and went to Claim Jumper.

Let's see...Christian gagged on some cilantro and vomited up the entire avocado he had just eaten, and Daph spent some time trying to howl like a wolf, so I would say eating out is still not in our best interests.
howling while holding a fork on her face

apparently the music in the background was just too much

When the server came by to take our plates, Daphne stood up on her seat and yelled, "I'M READY FOR DESSERT!!!"  Has anyone taken the time to teach her some manners?

I'm sure you can imagine that sound that comes with this face.  It's loud.


We got home to perfect weather for a little football game in the front.  After a while the neighbors came out and joined us, and Christian just loved watching the big boys throw that ball around.  You could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure out how he could make the ball go that far, too.

I think we have a house full of football fans here.
these games get intense

someone was HAPPY to get the ball

yep, happy

his happiness gave him a weird eye

Shopping, coffee, lunch out, some football....David does a good job choosing birthday activities that we all enjoy. 


Kelley said...

Sounds like David had a fun filled day of howling, vomit and football. Hope today is just as much fun!

Unknown said...

Don't worry, you're certainly not the only ones avoiding restaurants and coffee shops. Perhaps someday that will be all we do, so I guess we can make up for lost time then, right?

3 things: I love Daphne's outfit. Is that R2D2 on David's shirt? And Christian's walking! (He beat Jocelyn by 4 months or so.:)

Keep posting.

melissa said...

It's Boba Fett! (And I can't believe I know that...)